How to make an old beer taste better

Rush Hour Breakfast Stout poured into a glass and pictured next to some sea salt

Last night all I had around to drink was old beer that I hadn’t bothered drain-pouring yet. This made me question how to make these old beers taste better. What can be done?

I filtered the results and brought the best to you. 

Turns out, you will need a French press. I don’t have one so I say you can just kind of mix in the things some other way – but you’ll probably get better results using a French press (something I now am adding to my wish list).

There are two main ideas to bring new life to your old beer, but I want to quickly list all of the best ones here before we get into detail:

  • Mixing the beer with citrus or coffee in a French Press.
  • Adding bitters to your beer.
  • Adding/mixing salt in.
  • Adding margarita mix or making a Michelada.

Okay, so, the most serious of the beer re-fresh ideas is using a French press. But what do you press with your beer? Try these:

  • Remove the zest of a grapefruit (orange or lime could work too). Take that zest and half a grapefruit (with the peel removed) and put them through a French press. Take that and put it on the top of your beer (I obviously don’t know how French presses work). Gives your beer a fresh citrus vibe that overtakes the cardboard. Good for Pales and IPAs or any beer that can take on citrus.
  • Take cocoa nibs and put them through the French press process with your beer. Good for tart beers.
  • Take freshly ground coffee and put your beer through the French press process. Works best on Stouts but I think it would add something to most styles.
  • Slice half a mango, and use the French press process. Good for West Coast IPAs.
  • For Lager and Ambers it doesn’t matter, they already wack and there is no helping them…ZING!🤣

Not every idea for brightening your beer involves a French press. Another great (and easier) idea to try is adding a couple of drops of a Bitter. Let’s listen to Cara tell us about bitters and think about which ones would be good for the style of beer we want to taste fresh again:

So yeah, now I gotta get a French press – and never use it for coffee. Speaking of, here is a list of equipment and other items that would help you have a good beer freshening system:

Related reading:

If you have better tips for freshening your old beer, leave it for us in the comments.

Does Beer Clean Your System?

A clear beer from Level Brewing to clean the system
This Level Brewing beer should clear things up

It sure seems like drinking beer cleans your system because the morning after a round of Hazy IPAs can be brutal. It feels like you must have cleared out everything.

It makes sense that it feels a night of alcohol poisoning heavy beer drinking, would purge your system of whatever weak ass crap that is hiding out in your body.

Does beer clean your system?

The boiled down answer is no, it does not clean your system. Probably not how you feel like it does anyway. But, there is some cleaning that I will look at in a bit.

Drinking beer (or any alcohol for that matter) will take water from your system. It will also make your kidneys work harder because you are dehydrating yourself with the boozing.

So all the things being “cleansed” from your body are mostly the byproduct of being dehydrated.

You are making your body work its butt off to get back to where it was prior to drinking. So it feels like you are cleansing in some weird way. But really you are just hungover.

Why Does Beer Dehydrate You When It’s Mostly Water?!

The effects of alcohol, whether it’s drinking beer (or whatever other booze you damn well fancy) for some messed up reason, makes you pee a lot.

Yes, I know what you are thinking right now “Well of course it does, you damn beer blogging idiot, it is liquid!”

Yeah well, get this weird fact I never knew, the alcohol in beer makes you PEE EVEN MORE THAN THE AMOUNT OF BEER YOU DRANK!

I guess that is the dehydrate part. (duh, Mike)

Continue reading “Does Beer Clean Your System?”

Why Does Beer Make Me Sleepy?

why does beer put us to sleep
Local drunk sleeps while his “Weekend Vibes” Coronado Brewing beer waters the plants

I hate it when beer makes me tired. I like it when beer keeps me up AND gives me a buzz! You know, makes me feel good and stuff?

Instead, many times, it makes me tired. Why?! I want to be able to day-drink and not have to take a damn nap after my first beer. Is this really that much to ask?

So the question today is…

Why Does Beer Make You Tired!?

Reasons you find yourself asleep on the floor or on the cement somewhere (oh is that just me?) after one beer:

  • You did not sleep that well the night before. This is almost always the case with me and probably you too? Unless you’re single and 22, who the hell has time to get enough sleep? These Sienfeld episodes at 12:30 at night when you have to get up at six ain’t gonna watch themselves now, are they!?
  • You have not drank enough water. We have all figured out by now that beer dehidrates you – even though the dang thing is mostly water! WHY OH WHY God did you do this!? You let us figure out this delicious beverage that makes us feel things and then you have it dehydrate us?! Booooooo!
  • Hops. The hops in the beer made you tired. There are studies out there (I will not bore you with the details) that prove hops relax you (basically) and when you couple that with alcohol that is generally already relaxing you along with the hops, that is a tough combination to battle through. But battle we must.

In a related twist, according to a Harvard study, you actually get a “boost” from drinking a few hours after your first drink – even if the your beer made you sleepy.

Several hours after that nightcap, the alcohol raises the body’s level of epinephrine, a stress hormone that increases the heart rate and generally stimulates the body, which can result in nighttime awakenings.

Harvard study on alchol and fatigue

I cannot say I have noticed this epinephrine boost before. Not saying it isn’t a thing, I just haven’t stopped to notice it. Now I have another fun element to my beer drinking: waiting for the boost!

Next time I drink I will start a three hour timer after I crack open my first beer and WAIT FOR THAT RUSH BABY!

There is also the kind of sleep we get after beers. This dude is a whisky guy but seems to know things and talks about the good and bad about drinking before sleep:

So What Can We Do About This Beer Sleeping?

I am just trying to keep things simple and stop feeling drowsy after a beer. So what the hell are we going to do about it?

Obviously now, we know we gotta start by sleeping as much as we can the night before. Then we need to have been drinking water before we crack something open. And have water next to you as we drink. I also up the anty by having a Coke Zero around for some caffeine intake.

This is a lot of fluid going into the body, I know. It’s good fluid though and the only way I know to stay awake during a mellow, lo-fi drinking session.

Good luck to you and if you have any tips on staying fresh while still having some nice beverages, please reply to this post below in the comment section. Cheers!

Side Note: If you liked this sleepy drinky post, you might like my newsletter Drinking & Thinking and also maybe leaving something in the tip jar so I can go get some more beer to make me sleepy! ??

How To Drink Beer In The Morning [and stay present all day]

I didn’t mean for this to be an experiment but it turned out to be.

On Friday The Perfect Pour celebrated its 400th episode. We all took the day off work so we could podcast live, on the same day the show gets released.

Originally the plan was to do it at 6AM since that’s the time we jokingly claim we record. We ended up landing on 10AM. 

We would start drinking beer at TEN IN THE FREAKING MORNING.

That’s fine if you have nothing to do the rest of the day, but I had some things.

  • A kid in the house doing virtual learning all day with a lot of homework to catch up on.
  • A podcast to edit.
  • Support for my wife going to get her second vaccination shot and wanting to be able to drive her home in case it makes her feel funny.
  • Dinner.
  • A newsletter to write.

Point is, enough going on for the need to be alert (not drunk or sleepy) the rest of the day.

BUT, I wanted to drink the same amount of beer I always do on the show, regardless of time.

Well the day is nearly done and I’m here to tell you, I did it. I made it through the day with all things accomplished.

But how did I do it? I feel the need to pass on this sort of Day Drinking Guide to you – just in case you need to drink beer in the morning sometime and still have a productive day.

Start with a good base. A good setup.

That usually means a strong breakfast. A thick one. I did not though. I had a piece of cheese, a piece of sourdough bread and three cups of coffee. That’s a bad base.


The podcast begins, as I drink three 16oz beers all the way down. That was about three hours tops. The beers (along with my neighbor’s cat) are pictured above.

  • Core Values from Coronado Brewing & Karl Strauss. Apple WCIPA, 6.8% ABV.
  • All Good from Loomis Basin Brewing. HIPA, 7.2% ABV.
  • Wakey Wakey from New Glory Brewing. Oatmeal Coffee Porter at 6.5%.


The podcast is over. I have a meat heavy pizza from Pieology.

Water. Diet soda. Another water. Another diet soda. Crackers.


I’m basically sober. The buzz from the morning beers is gone. Just slightly tired.

It’s time for the vax backup, but it turns out I’m not needed.


I could start drinking again but don’t. I know I need to stay awake to write, help with school and stay fresh for diner. Be a human and stuff.


Pick up diner. Chinese from China Bistro (it’s a takeout kinda day).

I have more water and soda with my Mongolian Beef and fried rice.

I’m fully reset and ready for beers again, almost as if I had not drank earlier.


  • Amarilla Gorilla from Smog City Brewing. IPA, 7.4%.
  • Soft & Fluffy from Temblor Brewing. Marshmallow IPA. 8.0%.


I hit the wall. Normally I would have had another beer at this point but no interest now and can’t stay awake.

It’s over, but mission accomplished. 

Significant morning drinking and a full day of being present, can be accomplished.

Hope this dorky guide helps you sometime.