Good evening fellow beer (and maybe blogging) enthusiast. I’m starting late tonight because of a busy day of being a dad, watching the ending to Spike Lee’s HBO Epicenters series on 9/11 (it’s good) and the fact that I only have three beers.
I knew I wasn’t going to be able to buy more beers today and I only had three left so I waited as long as I could so I could have a decent drinking session and maybe have a productive buzz.
Live Drinking Blog:
- Mammoth Brewing’s “Yosemite Pale” is beer number one. A beer I am familiar with, nicely priced, and a little bit old-school but not in a bad way.
- So, do I have this right: GABF (virtual) and Craft Brewers Conference (in person) happened roughly at the same time this year? … um ookay?…
- 10:18: New Beer Alert! ? Wren House Brewing session IPA. Super stoked to have Phoenix’s Wren House in Fresno somehow:
- Watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Chrystal Skull because that is what’s on at the moment (Showtime). It’s still a large disappointment but it also isn’t that terrible.
- Another nice night in Fresno:
12:29: I’m back! I had a bit of a family emergency but everything is cool now. On to my 3rd and final beer:
1:33AM PST: What a rip. Never achieved a buzz. Just disappointment. Oh freaking well. Maybe next Saturday.
[live blog has ended]
*In this live-blog format, the latest post will appear above this paragraph. There will a new post at anytime up until 2AM-ish California time, or until there is a post stating the live-blog has ended.
Refresh the page (if you have already pulled it up previously) to see if there is a new posting.
You are hella encouraged to leave comments on this post with your beer drinking or any random thoughts.
Cheers!! ?