It’s All About Your Setup: Modern Times “Orderville” IPA

The importance of having a clean palate before a beer is hella underrated. We don’t think or talk about the setup to a beer, enough. Case in point. Yesterday I had a “Coast Malone” Hazy IPA from Humble Sea Brewing. Great beer, great label. I then went to a Modern Times “Orderville” Hazy Mosaic IPA. … Continue reading It’s All About Your Setup: Modern Times “Orderville” IPA

Is This Good Marketing?: “Extra Guac” from Magnify Brewing

The name is damn catchy. “Extra Guac” by New Jersey’s, Magnify Brewing. First thought is “Ohahha geezz, what the hell?! They are out there making guacamole IPAs now? Sick, dude.” [Also, I kinda want to try it] But, this beer name comes with a disclosure from Magnify “Made with no avocados.” So it’s not actually … Continue reading Is This Good Marketing?: “Extra Guac” from Magnify Brewing