As an Amazon affiliate, I am hyper-aware of what Amazon is up to in the beer-related retail space and always watch for items that I (and you) might be interested in. Here are some items I found on sale (at the moment of this posting) that I think you would be interested in:
This LED neon beer cave sign. It’s the new version of a neon sign, and way cheaper than a traditional version. Currently, it is 30% off and only costs $27.
This 42′ television. Because when I am drunk and sitting in front of my TV trying to find something to watch, I like to know I didn’t pay more than $130 for it.
This Cosori air fryer. Look, we drink and get hungry; it’s what we do. We might as well have a five-star-rated air fryer around.
This 35oz leak proof BruMate mug. Yeah it says “coffee” mug but we all know we can hide our beers in it and walk around the neighborhood, keeping our beers cool.
Your beer is getting warmer by the second and you need a can cooler, NOW! You are in the right place.
This post is nothing but can (and bottle) coolers! First, I will list my top three and then put together a list of others I think could work out well for your can-cooling needs.
This one is all the things. It works for a 16oz, has an insert so you can hold a 120zl, and acts like a cup if needed. If you are looking to have just one can cooler, this is it. I own this one and some days I have coffee in it and others I have a beer can in it (the best days are when there is a beer can in it)
There are a lot of Yeti and other brand 160z can coolers to choose from, but the Alpine Yellow is speaking to me today. So I went with it. This one is for times when you want everyone to clearly see you have a Yeti can cooler and you’re super rad because of it.
*Click here to get 25% off your first purchase at Side note: You can customize the chillers bought at
A List Of Can Coolers (and bottle too)
Above I showed you a top three for can coolers. Now I will filter through reviews on Amazon and elsewhere to sus out what looked to be some other good ones. Including some bottle and thin can coolers:
I think we have can coolers covered well enough. If you are looking to expand your beer gift options for a cool person or yourself (also, a cool person), check out my post: Beer Gifts for Men (and Women Too).
*Please note: Amazon would like me to remind you that I am an affiliate of theirs and I could earn a modest commission if you end up buying something. This is of no cost or effort to you.
Well, this is always going to be different for everyone but if you find one that hydrates then the answer is yes, there are CBDs that will help hangovers. Most CBDs are good for the puke feelings you might get too.
I managed to find a CBD product that you can order today that hydrates so it can work hard (in the most mellow way) at getting rid of your bad hang: Nuleaf Naturals CBD Drink Mix.
Mix it into any drink you have (works best with a hot bev but cold is good too), give it 30 minutes or so, and you might be getting back to normal.
If you manage to remember to have one before you pass out fall asleep, you just might prevent a hangover altogether. It is not advised to CBD and drink at the same time though, but you knew that already.
(Some products I link to are affiliates of mine – but it doesn’t make them any less relevant, I am here to help you with those hangovers for realz)
Your CBD for a hangover idea might not be helping you at the moment, though. Maybe you drank too many old beers and you need help now. Let’s explore other hangover helpers that you can order or ones you may have around the house now.
I am not a tea person, but if you are, I can’t imagine it wouldn’t help. I have never heard of anyone’s hangover increasing because they had green tea. Overindulging on green teas can’t be worse than what you did last night.
Yes, I know from personal experience that a full Pedialyte helps you recover from a hangover. It is also a good preventative (if you can remember to have one before bed).
I like the fruit punch myself, order some up here. And the grape isn’t terrible but you feel like a child, which is fine for a bad morning like this.
Last night all I had around to drink was old beer that I hadn’t bothered drain-pouring yet. This made me question how to make these old beers taste better. What can be done?
I filtered the results and brought the best to you.
Turns out, you will need a French press. I don’t have one so I say you can just kind of mix in the things some other way – but you’ll probably get better results using a French press (something I now am adding to my wish list).
There are two main ideas to bring new life to your old beer, but I want to quickly list all of the best ones here before we get into detail:
Mixing the beer with citrus or coffee in a French Press.
Okay, so, the most serious of the beer re-fresh ideas is using a French press. But what do you press with your beer? Try these:
Remove the zest of a grapefruit (orange or lime could work too). Take that zest and half a grapefruit (with the peel removed) and put them through a French press. Take that and put it on the top of your beer (I obviously don’t know how French presses work). Gives your beer a fresh citrus vibe that overtakes the cardboard. Good for Pales and IPAs or any beer that can take on citrus.
Take cocoa nibs and put them through the French press process with your beer. Good for tart beers.
Take freshly ground coffee and put your beer through the French press process. Works best on Stouts but I think it would add something to most styles.
Slice half a mango, and use the French press process. Good for West Coast IPAs.
For Lager and Ambers it doesn’t matter, they already wack and there is no helping them…ZING!🤣
Not every idea for brightening your beer involves a French press. Another great (and easier) idea to try is adding a couple of drops of a Bitter. Let’s listen to Cara tell us about bitters and think about which ones would be good for the style of beer we want to taste fresh again:
So yeah, now I gotta get a French press – and never use it for coffee. Speaking of, here is a list of equipment and other items that would help you have a good beer freshening system:
The best looking (to me) French press that is nicely rated – you can see the beer you’re pressing without obstructions: Bodum Brazil French Press.