They are very good beers.
That is it.
I will say I don’t understand why they put “dank supreme” on the Mr. Hoppy beer, I did not get dank at all, which is fine, I don’t freaking care because it was a good beer, it’s just in this day and age when you say “dank” on the label and then you add “supreme” and you marry that with a SD brewer that knows how to make a damn dank beer and knows what a hazy California San Diego IPA is going to be in your mind – yes you know what we are going to think when you say those two words we are thinking HAZY AND POT – and you make the beer clear as fuck and totally west coast and now I am thinking “There are no rules to beer society anymore!! Every one do whatever the fuck you want!!” and that is cool and all but you made a westie, good on ya I guess.
Like I said, great beers.