Beer Two: Liquid Gravity Brewing: Mo Diggity DDH WCIPA. 7%. All Mosaic Hop. 16oz can.
Beer Three: East Brother Brewing : Gold IPA (same as beer one).
Drinking session: 8PM to Midnight.
Setup: Foot long tuna Subway sandwich at 6:00 PM (slightly embarrassing – work dinner). No food afterwards.
Water: 16oz of water during drinking session.
Normally I drink two 16oz beers a session with an occasional 12oz or 16oz beer. And I usually don’t have more than a Level 1 hangover (aware I had beers the previous night but no headache or sluggishness).
Verdict: I think the combo of only one glass of water, not a lot of food for a base and a slight uptick in alcohol consumed all contributed to this morning’s headache heavy hangover.
I did not think it was going to go down like this. It’s red.
When I saw “fruited” West Coast IPA, my mind went to tropical; orange and pineapple. Turns out it’s cranberry and orange.
I am not too big into cranberry in beer. So it was a shock. Not expecting a beer billed as a West Coast to be like that. Not here to say it’s wrong to bring WC into it, just here to say it’s weird, dude.
But hey, I got through it. Not mad. Maybe even glad, as I would have never tried if if I had known about the berry action, so I guess I am expanding my palate and junk.
That said, I am making sure my next beer is not red.
Sometimes a bright Moon and a quiet patio make for a great drinking companion
Not here to rank these. I don’t want these these to battle. Just here to make a running list of things that are known to be great beer drinking company.
Humans (a few of them – on an occasional basis)
Bottle opener.
A TV series.
A movie.
A porch with ANY kind of view of anything.
Patio (also with a view of any kind of anything).
Video game.
Any kind of sporting event.
Plant life.
Pool or any body of water.
Bird feeder.
The sky.
Stars and or The Moon.
The sound of crickets (or whatever your local noisy insect is).
A breeze flowing through trees.
I will regularly come back to this list when I have something to add. Feel free to add your own in the comments.