What Should I Do With These Old Beers!?

For various reasons I have these old beers.

Mostly they were bought on accident, either from not checking the dates or unable to see the dates due to the packaging. One is a gifted old beer.

Should I throw them out?

Yeah but there’s nothing worse than an old IPA, especially a hazy.

I currently have the space for them. They may not taste good but they are still beer. And I don’t have an infinite beer budget and sometimes run out BUT still really want a beer.

And sometimes a dude will show up and just want beer and not care how old they are.

Well, I guess I’ll keep them around then. Since I have the space for them at the moment.

Glad I worked that “problem” out here.

If I only live bed in a place that snowed and I needed to save parking spots, my problem would be solved here:

What do you do with your old hoppy beers?

Cold IPAs are Pale Lagers but whatever, OK

We are so desperate to have IPA in the description of our beers that peeps are making pale lagers and assigning a new IPA term to them.

So yeah, a couple of breweries are trying to create a style of beer called “Cold IPA“ but in actuality it’s a hoppy lager with a large ABV.

Yeah, you know what? Fuck it.

Why not just call everything IPAs from here on out?

  • Brown IPA
  • Stout IPA
  • Barrel Aged Stout IPA
  • Farmhouse IPA
  • Seltzer IPA
  • Your Mom’s IPA

Less arguing and confusion now.

Every beer style should just have IPA at the end of it so we can move on to just drinking beer without prejudice.

A Picture Of A Dive: Billymark’s West NYC

At first glance I thought this was a picture of a mini-mart (or a bodega as they like to call them in NY). It’s pure dive artistry.

It reminds me that I have a soft spot for dive-y marts with a little bit of character. And before the Pandemic, I was trying to figure out what to do with that soft spot, creatively.

Since the Pandemic though, I don’t go in them. Too small of an air space to breathe if I don’t have to, ya know.

But now I know, once all spaces become safe again, I’ll be doing posts on here, dedicated to the little marts I experience throughout my day.

Oh yeah, so it turns out the above picture is of a dive bar in NYC, not a mart.

As you can see it’s called Billymark’s West and doesn’t look too bad inside as this picture by NY.Eater.com suggests:

They even did a write up on the place. Hope it survives the COVID with its Labat’s Blue selection intact.

5 Beers To Drink Right Now

Some new. Some classic. They all hit well at the moment. Pretty much mostly kinda available, if you live in California or have a California Mule.

The Hop Concept [San Marcos, CA]:

Jolly & Joyfull IPA.

Jolly & Joyfull IPA, Christmas Beer

Dude, with that can I’m thinking “Spruce Tips. Here come the Spruce Tips!” But this is not that beer. It’s just a good clean IPA.

Pizza Port Brewing [The San Diegos]:

Bacon & Eggs – Coffee Porter

It’s a classic and great for this time of year. A wonderful Palette Cleanser Beer for an IPA fan like me. I don’t finish it in one sitting but keep it in the fridge for a couple days to break up the IPAs and reset myself.

Modern Times Brewing [So Cal & Portland]:

Danger Dolphin – Pilsner

A little spicy way to begin your drinking or slow your pace. Citra hops in a Pilsner setup. The can color is brilliant.

Zack’s Brewing [Fresno, CA]:

Air Hugs & Finger Guns – IPA.

This beer is better than it was earlier in the year. A fine-tuned Simcoe & Mosaic based IPA, waiting to be enjoyed now.

Liquid Gravity [San Luis Obispo, CA]:


Liquid Gravity IPA

What a modern dry West Coast IPA should be. Not too much of anything, just enough of everything.

I enjoyed the hell out of all these beers the past couple weeks. Hope you can find one so you can too.