Day drinking is glorious. Except when it’s not. Here are five tips on how to day-drink with beer
So, you want to know how to day drink? I got you.
Day drinking does not always have to end badly. If you’re smart about it and have a plan, you can have a delicious pale ale in front of you all day and still make it to the next day just as fresh as those boring-ass sober people.
Even if you day-drink alone, you can come out ahead.
Make a plan and you’ll have a good, fun day and a better next morning. Here is what has worked for me.
1. Start Small
Obvious I know but not everyone does this. You got to start the day with a low ABV beer. Whether you begin your drinking day in the morning with some sort of coffee stout (shout out to Modern Time’s “Blackhouse”), or at noon with a Kolsch or pale, pick a low alcohol percentage.
If you don’t start slow, you’ll be trying to correct it the rest of the day and it will use up too much sobering energy.
2. Stay Hydrated
Water. Always have a water sitting there with you. This is probably the number one tip overall. If you have a glass of water with every beer you drink it will go a long way towards keeping your day going and your wits about you.
I like to mix in caffeine too, about every other drink. There are times of the day when I have a water, a beer and caffeine all going at once.
Here is a rough order I try to stick by:
- Beer
- Water
- Caffeine.
- Beer.
- Water.
- Beer.
- Caffeine.
- Beer.
- Water.
- Beer.
- Beer.
- Water.
- Bed.
As you can see, there is some work involved and a lot of liquid. Which reminds me, don’t forget to mix in:
3. Food. Eat Some
You must eat like always. Not like you were not going to, of course, but some of us get super bloated and may skip a meal. Don’t. Maybe throw a salad in there too.
Actually, here are some of the best food items to enjoy that help prevent day drinking issues.
- Pickles
- Avacado dip
- A burger
- Nuts
- Spinach
- 1% Milk
4. Take Breaks But Don’t Stop
Maybe you slow down about midway through your day. That is fine and probably a good idea. But don’t take too long a break. If you do, your body will start sobering up and realizing what a mistake this day has been. Don’t let it. Wait until the end of the day or tomorrow morning for your body to remind you that you’re an idiot.
5. Be Nice To Everyone
Are you mentally in a good place right now? Are you a fun drunk? If you are and you stick to this plan, you and everyone around you can have fun. In fact, you may not ever really get drunk.
Stick To Your Day Drinking Plan!
As proof of this method’s effectiveness, I followed this to the letter on Opening Day of baseball this year and made it all the way to 11 that night – I started drinking at 10 am.
Not only that, I was a delight to everyone all day! Ask anybody. Well, at least I think so. Nobody got openly mad at me, at least.
Nothing ends your previously fun day of drinking quicker than being surly. Nobody wants to deal with you and people close to you will try and shut your day down. And that sucks because you had all those delicious beers left to drink!
Good luck. Cheers!
But Wait!
So I hope you know how to day drink like a pro by now. But in case you feel there will be a time you do not remember to eat and hydrate properly, maybe you should stock-up on one of these things: