The other day I had the four beers you see above. That’s enough beer to do a little damage, right? One should feel some damn thing after those.
Yeah, well, I didn’t. Never caught a magical buzz all evening.
Have I become THAT tolerant of beer? Is my ATL (Alcohol Tolerance Level) at scary levels? Let’s break it down.
Beer One:
- Alvarado Street’s “XPA” Pale Ale. 5%. 16oz. Drank around 5PM
Beer Two:
- Original Pattern Brewing’s “Zapped On Zappa”. IPA. 7%. 16oz. Drank around 6PM.
Okay, so, here is where the buzz should be happening. But at that moment I stopped for dinner, took a jog-walk with the child, did the dishes.
Any chance of a nice buzz is interrupted by life.
Beer Three:
- Bare Bottle Beer Co. “Dusty JR” Hazy Pale Ale. 5.6%. 16oz can. Drank around 8PM.
Beer Four:
- Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. “King Sue” DIPA. 7.8%. 16oz can. Drank around 9:30PM.
Here is where things are a little cloudy. I think there is some falling asleep in front of the TV happening at this time. If a buzz was there to be enjoyed, I napped through it.
So, maybe I am not broken, my system for getting a buzz is?
I remember enjoying the beers, that’s the main thing. But if getting a buzz is also the intent, a little more focus is needed.
Thanks for coming to my Beer Talk.