If Beer Twitter didn’t love to talk about hard seltzers so much, I don’t think I would notice them anymore.
When seltzers started becoming big and trending and we started seeing big ends of them at the grocery store and it was White Claw Summer and all that, yes, I noticed.
But now, seltzers blend into the background for me.
I can still get all the same Indie Beer I could before the seltzer boom. The taps are mostly the same. The part of the shelf I look at for beer in the grocery store, looks the same.
Although I think the Big Beer section looks like it has more seltzers and less beer, but I really don’t know.
So, what is the fuss?
Lot's of side conversations, but I'm going to leave you with this tonight. Professional brewing is a business. That means you need to make money. That also means that you are going to have to make things you don't like.
— David Berg (@schellbrewer) May 12, 2021
Make that money. Whatever it takes for a brewery to stay Indie and open is cool by me.
Have a new seltzer release every week. Be like Humble Sea is with their beers and slightly change one ingredient and call it a brand new name and slap a new label on it every week! Go for it.
As long as I can still get all the Craft Beer I want, have your fun with your seltzers. Just keep making beer and putting on the shelves is all I ask.