War Games Is A Perfect Movie To Have With A Pliny

Yesterday I had a Pliny while watching War Games – an 80s movie I love that’s sadly become insanely timely again. Outside of a couple cheeseball moments, the original hacker flick, still holds up.

It’ll make you miss the beginnings of the Internet and the 80s bedroom of your rich friend.

Side note: “Jennifer & David” are one of the most adorable couples in film – mark it down.

A Pliny is a wonderful beer to have while watching this feels-like-a-Spielberg-film-but-isn’t, classic.

The Russian River and Pliny label esthetic has always had an analog feel, much like how War Games somehow feels like when the Internet was analog.

Different Pliny The Elder Bottles
Some of my Pliny The Elder bottles

My only wish is I had a second Pliny as mine went empty early on. I also wish I had a standup Galaga machine but that’s a whole other thing.

War Games is currently available on Netflix and Pliny is where you can find it – but you knew that.

I Saw A Bird While Drinking A Pale Ale

“The Local” – Sacramento Style Pale Ale from Flatland Brewing

I am starting a new feature on the blog: Something I did while drinking a beer. (It could use a better name)

Well, I guess it’s sort of a spin-off of my Ambient Reviews.

Anyway, these are things that happened while drinking a Pale from Elk Grove’s Flatland Brewing called “The Local – Sacramento Style Pale”.

I was sitting in my backyard and…

I saw several birds. There was a sparrow and a bluejay that ate some food from my bird feeder.

I listened to the PA of this high school baseball game being played a half-block away:

Listened to a hotrod rumble through my neighborhood.

Saw a squirrel bury something in my planter bed.

Agreed on how nice a day it is:

Earned the “To Go Level 48” badge while checking this beer in on Untappd.

Admired my new Brumate with painted metal that makes it feel like a car finish.

The Hopsator Trio from Brumate is satisfying to hold

And that takes us to the end of the beer. Thanks for reading! ?✌️

Little Free Beer Fridge

When I see something like this:

Forget the dark side of beer and 21+ rule for a moment. Wouldn’t it be rad to have a little beer version of this and it wasn’t taken advantage of?

You know, not become a dumping ground for beer buried in your fridge but be something with good little beers for people that cant always afford one.

Just beer dreaming.

I Had Pliny The Younger In Fresno and It Was Special

Pliny The Younger on the board of your beer bar is a good day

I am sorry for being a douche here but I had Pliny The Younger today. And it was as perfect as it ever was.

Totally was not expecting to have it. I knew it was in town but I wasn’t in the mood to wait in line then not get any, so I didn’t put it on my radar.

But, so, I met a friend at Out Of The Barrel to exchange some beers. He was on his way to meet friend at another local beer bar, Goldstein’s, to see if he could get some Younger.

I said “oh geeez, okay, what the hell, I go with you!” Thinking it will be pointless but at least I can say I tried.

To my surprise, I walked right in, went to the bar, immediately got someone over to ask what I wanted. I was feeling embarrassed because surely they no longer had the Younger since they tapped the keg an hour ago, but I asked anyway

Me “You don’t happen to still have any Pliny the Younger do you?”

Bartender “Yes, we do!”

Me (Slightly shocked and excited) ”Oh my gosh… um I will have one please.”

And so it came to be. I politely and unceremoniously walked into a Fresno bar and had one of the most sought after beers in the world.

Pliny The Younger at Goldstein’s Bar in Fresno, CA

It was amazing as always. The aroma brought back all the great times I have had with beer. I am very thankful to have had it in my town. I hope all beer lovers get to have it one day.