I seriously wanted to find you the best outdoor games to play in a beer garden or just some dang grass or cement somewhere.
I have searched the Internet. I have played some outdoor/lawn games. I drank beer at outside parties. All so I can write this post. Alright, well, not ALL so I could write this post, I also had fun.
Because playing games outside is fun. Especially if you have a good beer in one hand. You can only walk around burning your beer calories for so long. You have bought your beer gifts for your man, it’s time to play.
But what are the best outdoor games for a beer garden or backyard? You are here for this, so I put together to the top games I would buy for my backyard (if I could afford them all) and/or the games I would expect to see at my local beer garden.
What are good games to play outside for adults or families?

In some states, you are not allowed to operate a beer garden without one of these human-size giant connect-four style, games. At least that is what I hear. They are fun to play for a bit with the kids, as I have done this at multiple beer gardens. It gives you (and whatever child is around), a solid activity. It’s simply a must-have.
I imagine you can play this in a basement or a yard somewhere (no beer garden or taproom required).
Buy or check the price on Amazon.
If you want to keep it classy for your nice backyard, I suggest checking out this one.
We Are Putting On Beer Cans On This

The deadly game of Giggle and Go
I don’t like the name so I am not going to even say it.
But, yes! Finally, a game that can involve our beers. Screw the picture with the water bottle, we all know we are using our beer cans. That can get pretty high stakes too if you have a real craft beer sitting on top that you really don’t want getting busted all over the ground. High Stakes.
You Knew ‘Giant Jenga’ Had to Be Here!

Again, Giant Jenga is another must-have for your “kid-friendly” brewery or your own personal use. I like to tackle a giant Jenga like it was a running back – I don’t know why, it’s just fun is all, okay? You’re okay with FUN, aren’t you? Sometimes I hurt myself, does that make you feel better? Good.
Now then:
(At least it’s a better price than this $50 Yeti bottle opener.)
Yardzee Giant Yard Dice Set

Oh hellssss yeah! I didn’t know they had a giant Yahtzee set thing. I feel like this could get annoying to the people in the beer garden who are NOT playing as they will randomly hear someone cry out “YAHTZEE!” (or Yardzee in this case).
But screw them. They are just jealous they aren’t playing. I think I will be getting this one for the house, actually:
Check the price and maybe buy it on Amazon.
Bean Bag Toss (Yes, I am talking about Cornhole)

Nobody likes that it’s called “cornhole”. It’s a stupid name that opens itself up to snickering by those of us who have 14-year-old senses of humor.
Since that name is terrible, some people call it “bags” or “bean bag toss”.
You knew this would be on this list. Hell, lots of breweries hold cornhole tournaments and such, so having one of these around is a needed thing.
I am linking to the most generic of one, there are many to choose from though.
If you want to get some custom bags for cornhole, check out my friends at Local Bag Co.
A Pool Table But Golf

Until I started researching for this post, I had no idea this was something that existed. It looks damn fun. The drawback would be needing a large flat and hard surface. And yes I see that it is made for indoors but it looks like I could place it in my backyard or driveway for the day and it would be fine.
Looks like you can play it drunk. With kids. Alone. All the things.
The only question is, would I play golf pool better while buzzed like I do when I play regular pool? Must find out.
Giant Beer Pong For Playing Outside

Giant beer pong. Yep. Somebody made this. Of freaking course somebody made this. Hey, it’s probably damn fun. Why not? Beer pong is a fun party, lawn game, or drinking game.
I am not sure where I would store this though. But if you have the space…
Pop-A-Shot Official Dual Shot Sport Arcade Basketball Game

Of all the items on this list, this may be the one I would like at my house the most. I literally put it on my personal Amazon wishlist after looking at this one.
Lots of game options. After looking at all that Amazon offers in this category, it looks the best for the price. It would be bold-ish to have bought this for a beer garden – just because it might get messed up. It would be fun while it lasted though.
Toss Across Your Childhood

I am including this one simply because I remember playing it when I was a kid so I started getting nostalgic.
I will let the game makers explain this game:
We took classic Tic Tac Toe and added some action!A Genius
Couldn’t all things use a little added action? I think so.
Alright, well, now we know some cool games to get for outside and big-ass spaces
Yes, the basketball game is top on my personal list. But all of these outdoor games look rad and I kinda want them all. Seriously. Give me a couple of good beers (even if the beers make me sleepy) and one of these games and it will be a good day.
But anyway, I think those are enough things to get you on your way to a playful beer garden or backyard or NYC apartment rooftop. Don’t forget some outside lighting, btw.
Let me know in the comments what is your favorite thing to toss in your backyard is.
P.S. I have a top 5 list of hot Amazon items that are good for around the house that you may want to read up on.
P.S.S. Don’t forget to have some sunblock around for all that outdoors-ing.