I was ranting about this yesterday on the Perfect Pour: Why don’t more taprooms carry bags of ice!?
When I make a run to a brewery I usually have an ice-chest with me. My fridge doesn’t crank out enough ice to make a relevant amount so after I pick up my beers from the brewery, I then have to stop at a store and buy ice.
One too many stops for me – I’m lazy.
Why don’t taprooms have bags of ice for sale? I supposet there must be some but I have not seen nor heard of this. Not even in bottle shops.
Matt on the show pointed out he would give you some ice from their machine at Tioga Sequoia Brewing if you asked but I don’t want to do that. I want to buy it right then and there with my beers.
Sure, I will totally forget to buy the bags of ice at a brewery that started carrying ice, just like how I walk out of a grocery store forgetting the ice. But it would be nice to know I could have gotten the ice at the taproom.
Normalize bags of ice at breweries!

There have been times (maybe now still) when you could buy the perfect-for-drinking, Sonic Ice, in bags from your local Sonic joint. It would feel like a misuse to put them in an ice-chest but it might work for the road trip with a brewery stop attached.