What Is The Point Of Untappd?

Untappd check-in of Goodnight Munich from Liquid Gravity Brewing
Good Beer peeps is the point of Untappd

A lot of brewers grumble about Untappd and Untappd users. They get mad at the bad ratings. Get mad at the “One star, not my style” guy (who DOES suck, mind you).

It may lead them to cry out “What is even the point of Untappd!?”

The point of Untappd, to me, is this:

  • The colorful characters of Untappd.
  • The documenting of beers drank, keeping a record.
  • The ability to find information about a beer. What am I supposed to be tasting here?
  • A social media that is a closed circuit for beer lovers.

The people on Untappd

Interacting with your virtual and ITL friends. Seeing what people in different parts of the world are drinking. Looking up the places others are at. Seeing the drinking habits of other beer dorks. That’s all fun.

So yeah, if you don’t have friends checking-in regularly. Or commenting on your checkins, then what are we doing here, man? What is even the point?

Well, it could be:

Documenting my beers

Yes, there is the documenting aspect. Being able to remind yourself that you have had that beer before and maybe what you thought of it.

Being able to look back at all the hazzies you’ve had, prompts you to question all of your life decisions. 😆

What went into the beer?

To be able to find out information on a beer – that is good too. Sometimes I want to see the hops in my beer and the label doesn’t always provide that (sometimes Untappd doesn’t either but sometimes it does).

Guided tasting notes are there as well. Whether it is the brewery or user info, I can kinda glean what I should be getting from the beer.

The walled-off social media perk

When you are on Instagram, or Twitter, or TikTok or whatever, somebody who is not a drinker is watching you and your beers. Sometimes it’s even your mom.

But on Untappd, there isn’t the rando crowd looking in on you. Mom, dad, your partner, your kid, they probably ain’t there. You are more free to hangout, guilt-free.

So, what is even the point of Untappd? (Yep, I will put to you the cheesiest of phrases ever) It’s the friends we make along the way. 😚😂

P.S. Since we are talking Untappd, maybe you’d be interested in my Guide to Untappd?