Session Thoughts: Why Does Beer Have To Have So Many Calories?!

I am drinking this “Nerd Immunity” Pale by Bottle Logic while writing this

I would like to just stop and take the time to ask or maybe point out:

  • Why does beer have so many calories?!
  • Why does it give you a hangover if you drink too much?!

Why can’t beer stop at being delicious and giving you calm and enjoyment with a great buzz?

It’s super cool that it gives you that and I cannot stress enough how cool that is, BUT then:

  • Gives you a beer belly.
  • Liver Cancer or something.
  • Hangovers.

When you really think about it, it is very fucked up. If there is a God, why did it decide that if you enjoy food and drink, you will gain too much weight and maybe die because of it?

You could’ve let us have nice things AND not made us portly and hungover. But you didn’t.

Total dick move if you ask me.