Games To Play While Having A Beer

When I was a kid, my dad’s side of the family used to play a lot of Yahtzee!. If there was a family gathering of any sort, you can bet there was a running Yahtzee! game you could jump in on whenever y0u wanted to.

I don’t remember beer being involved, but then I don’t think I paid much attention to that when I was young. I sure as hell pay attention to it now. … beer, I pay attention to beer.

It’s been a long time since I played Yahtzee, maybe since I was a kid. But recently I bought a set because I’ve been wanting to play something while hanging out with friends and family while I’m having a beer.

Sorry is about the only game we would play before and I am looking to expand. So I recently put this question out to listeners of the Perfect Pour:

What kind of games do you play while hanging out and having some beers?

A lot of great answers came back but the best (and most post-worthy) response came from Rhyann in Spokane:

“We were recently introduced to the card game Disturbed Friends, oddly enough we played with 4 strangers which made the game even more entertaining. I think it is a great fast-paced option that touches on many of the same topics that can come up while playing Cards Against Humanity (CAH). It is easier to play with a larger group than CAH, yielding in just as many laughs and all of the awkward feelings. I highly recommend finding this card game, along with its expansion packs.

A more strategic and time-consuming game we started playing with a smaller group of friends while drinking is Dice Throne. I have to admit though that the game-play for me gets a little confusing especially the later it gets and deeper into the beer fridge we have gotten.

There are lot of versions of this game, seasons in fact.

The last game I wanted to talk about was Shut the Box. This is one game I hadn’t seen until about a year ago, and it now seems to have made it into most of the taprooms we visit (that have games).

A local brewery here in Spokane called For the Love of God did things a little differently than most tasting rooms we have visited and has supplied a plethora of puzzles, the sliding puzzle pictured below has had me stumped for the last 3 visits.”

Thank you, Rhyann, for the tips and for allowing me to post your stuff!

If you have a favorite game to play while relaxing and having a few, feel free to leave it in the comment section.