How much is really too much money for a four-pack of beer? I am talking about Craft Beer here – not some Miller Lite. A 4-pack from an Indie brewer. You know, good damn beer.
Let’s say I paid $27.00 for this mixed 4-Pack of Humble Sea beer. …Alright, well, I actually DID pay $27. That’s before taxes and a tip to the beer tender.
It was from a beer bar/bottle shop in Fresno called Out Of The Barrel. This place is only a couple blocks from my house.
Buying it a the brewery would cost $20. I don’t believe you can mix packs at the brewery. Out Of The Barrel lets you pull from same-four-packs and make your own 4-pack if you want.
So, I am paying $7 over what I would in Santa Cruz where the Humble Sea taproom is.
Now that leaves us with one question: Did I pay too much for this beer?
Here is what some friends on Twitter think:

Well, there you have it. Beer geeks don’t believe I paid too much, that’s all I need to know. I’m guessing anybody else would freak out at the price tag, but they don’t understand.
A rare beer that is really good and close by? Worth $27.00. I will pay it again and again.