So many people love Allagash White. It makes many beer geek’s Top Five Beers of All Time lists. But it tastes terrible to me. Always has. Sorry.
But, hey, what a good beer is can be very subjective. A large community inside Beer Twitter and beer folks in general, adore Allagash White. Some herald it as the perfect beer.
I could never stand the fucker.
A thin, old-tasting beer that feels like it was put through a Randall filled with mushed bananas? No thanks. It’s not Allagash’s fault, I know, it’s the style. Still.
Honestly, though, it had been a long time since I had one. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe my palate had changed. I am wrong a lot so I could be totally off.
So I decided to try this classic beer once again:
Yep. My review of Allagash White is: Still as awful as I remember. Maybe more so. So difficult to drink. Just gross.
Something in my chemical makeup rejects Belgian Yeast. I am sure it’s not Allagash Brewing’s fault. Doesn’t matter what brewer is making it, I assume it will taste bad to me. Maybe all Wheat Beers are bad to me. I am probably the problem.
Allagash Brewing is a great top-tier Indie brewer that I highly respect. But Belgian Wheat beers are terrible, and the King of the style is Allagash White. So, congrats on being the kings of a garbage beer style.
How Many Calories Does Allagash White Have?
Alli’ White is a low-alcohol Belgian-Style Wheat Beer. The amount of alcohol is 5.2%. This means it has 157 calories (give or take a few) for one can or bottle.